Proto Porn
Sometimenever: Lovicat: Rei Chasing Nagisa #Is That A Fuckin Butterfly On Your Sleeve You Gay Nerd #God Damn It Rei
Keiko-Chan: Makoto And Haru (◡‿◡✿)
Agirlnameddisaster: So I Was Watching The Montage And It Was So Cute But Then I Swore I Saw Something So I Went Back And Wait A Fucking Second
Ill-Make-Youhomestucked: Themadprinceofpuzzles: Artist: Http:// This Is Amazing
When You Find That One Rp Partner With Whom You Can't Stop Threading And Plotting And Rping:
Keiko-Chan: Conny|Jean|Marco - Shingeki No Kyojin (進撃の巨人)
Your First Impression Of Me? (Anonymous Or Not)
Alloys &Amp; Animals
Bronzeguardian: …..I Am…Absolutely Repulsed…Enraged…Offended.. Yes, This Was Last Year, But It Still Holds Relevant For This Year… Be Careful, Guys… People Are Sick Sick Creatures…