Proto Porn
Give me a Series & I'll tell you...
Give me a Series & I'll tell you...
The Survey Corps
Challenge: Fluster My Muse Until They Can't Speak!
Elricity: → Team Mustang
Pochamarama: Imagine If These Two Met Each Other Imagine All The Politeness Imagine All The Inspirational Dialogue Imagine All The Cuteness Imagine It
Suck Me Off Yaoi Style
Ex-Roymeowstang: No Matter How Far I Go, I Can’t Escape From Here.
Rihenna: Favorite Moments Of Ellen Hosting The 86Th Annual Academy Awards
The Goblin Cleaver
Boromirs: Keep Watching Over D U R I N ’ S Sons
Master-Of-Sorcere: Onlylolgifs: Kitten Wiggles Ears While Eating I Don’t Even Care If I Reblog This Twice A Day Every Single Day For The Rest Of My Life