Proto Porn
thepunisher: #iconic
thepunisher: #iconic
Fysebastianstan:everyone Wants A Magical Solution To Their Problem, And Everyone Refuses To Believe In Magic.
All Sebastian, All Day
Captaincentenarian:captain America: The Winter Soldier Commentary (Stephen Mcfeely, Christopher Markus)
Captaincentenarian:captain America: Civil War Commentary (Joe Russo, Anthony Russo, Christopher Markus)
Bucky-Plums-Barnes: Sebastian Stan At The Material Girls Premiere 2006 (X)
Marveladdicts: Clint Barton &Amp;Amp; Pietro Maximoff In Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2016)
E2Barryallen: Vfx Breakdown
Holiarty:sorry Not Sorry
Zzz0Nked: Fav Gifs Of Seb This Man I Cannot
Witchcraft In A Nutshell
Adeles:guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) Dir. James Gunn
Capntony:bucky’s Facial Expressions As Tony’s Watches The Footage.