Proto Porn
z8design: ANONYMOUS 2012 by CHRISTOPHER DOMBRES on Flickr.
z8design: ANONYMOUS 2012 by CHRISTOPHER DOMBRES on Flickr.
Suspended-In-Reality: C:
Zombiegiggles: …I Wanna Go Shopping… Wait…Is That Iron Man Back There!? Who The Heck Is That?
The Musical Owl
Queef Toker
Where The Wild Things Aren't
And All That Fun Stuff
Reblog If There Is Someone On Tumblr You'd Like To Meet In Person.
Nicoosuxx: Ah, Yes, My Mistake. Thank You.
Asses Up And Fuck!!!;)
Pokabu: “Gettin’ Real Tired Of Your Bullshit, Francine.”
My-Twisted-Little-Fantasy: Tumblr Give Away!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve Decided To Give Away My Ipad 2 And Mac Book Pro! I Don’t Really Use Them So I Felt Why Not Give It To Some Awesome Person On Here! They’ve Both Only Been Used Once And They Have The Original
Asses Up And Fuck!!!;)