Proto Porn
westbor0baptistchurch: memewhore: He could’ve closed his laptop
westbor0baptistchurch: memewhore: He could’ve closed his laptop
Paprika: Omfg Lol
Queerfabulousmermaid:musingsofanawkwardblackgirl: Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Gordo Keepin It Real
Jeniferrebeca88: Click Here To Watch Daily Fun : Http:// #Fun #Funny #Jokes #Humor #Funnygif
But Babe
Icriedwhenbobbydied: Stunningpicture: A Rotten Tomato That Refused To Leave The Vine Nash Grier
Ruinedchildhood:the Economy Hit The Power Rangers Hard
Zymphe:-Finally Does Laundry--Never Puts Away Laundry- -Takes Clean Clothes Out From Pile Until Pile Is Gone-
Envyavenue:writer’s Home | Photographer
Thechanelmuse:meet Miyamoto Eriana Miyamoto, Who Was Born To A Black American Father And Japanese Mother In Nagasaki, Beat Out 44 Contestants To Win A Spot To Represent Japan In The Miss Universe Pageant. She Is The First Ever Afro-Asian To Represent
I-Dontknow-Ok: Medic981:Vintage-And-Whatnot:okay So Science Side Of Tumblr Help Me Out, Because I Thought The Rapture Was Happening This Morningthose Are Kelvin-Helmholtz Billow Clouds. Its The Air Equivalent To Sea Waves Rolling To The Shore. Very