Proto Porn
My Life in a Slow-Burn Fic
My Life in a Slow-Burn Fic
Cunbe: Cuteness Overload…
Aureat: I Hate That Feeling When You’re Not Necessarily Sad, But You Just Feel Really Empty And Every Little Thing Gets To You And Everyone That Talks To You Makes You Angry And You Want To Punch Everyone In The Face
Feathery-Soul: Depressing—Quotes: Agnosticwitch: Feathery-Soul: Sherlck: Wear A Different Perfume When You Commit Murder Fuckin Amateurs Also Wear Shoes That Aren’t Your Actual Size And Use Gloves If You Have To Touch Anything What The Hell
Najmani: I Ship Myself With Academic Success And Contentment
Sasuge: Propose To Me With This
My Life In A Slow-Burn Fic
Eurotrottest: Caribcutiekeke: Magnacarterholygrail: Geekscoutcookies: Kindredsmile: Howgoodheis: Seriously Deleting This Time. Oh. My. Word. Okay, But Is This Not Smooth And Crisp In That Turn Tho. A Nigga Truly Going Out In Style 😳
Lokiloo: Ifc: Digg: This Tiny Hamster Is Going Places This Is Why The Internet Exists. I’m So Happy
Dutchster: Don’t Forget These
Lynnerdo: Im Fucking Dyying