Proto Porn

a-quiet-green-agreement: “Two days later he saw her from a distance. She was unmistakable. She moved with a kind of negligent grace, like a dancer whose career is ended.“ – James Salter, “The Destruction of the Goetheanum”

a-quiet-green-agreement: “Two days later he saw her from a distance. She was unmistakable. She moved with a kind of negligent grace, like a dancer whose career is ended.“ – James Salter, “The Destruction of the Goetheanum”

a-quiet-green-agreement: “Two days later he saw her from a distance. She was unmistakable.

A-Quiet-Green-Agreement: “We Walk Arm In Arm Through Twilight. Paris Never Gets Too Dark, Because When Natural Light Dissolves, You’re Never Too Far From A Street Lamp—And They’re Often Beautiful—Set Upon Tall Black Stalks, Each Lamp A Glowing

A-Quiet-Green-Agreement: “We Walk Arm In Arm Through Twilight. Paris Never Gets

Slainte71: Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Slainte71:  Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Adventurelandia:three Caballeros (1944)

Adventurelandia:three Caballeros (1944)

The Diary Of Tess

The Diary Of Tess

Delires Paranoides

Delires Paranoides

19Minutes30Seconds:david By Monsiieur

19Minutes30Seconds:david By Monsiieur

19Minutes30Seconds:eartha Kitt &Amp;Amp; James Dean In Katherine Dunham’s Dance Class, Circa 1955

19Minutes30Seconds:eartha Kitt &Amp;Amp; James Dean In Katherine Dunham’s Dance

19Minutes30Seconds:gene Wilder &Amp;Amp; Madeline Kahn In “Young Frankenstein” (Mel Brooks, 1974)

19Minutes30Seconds:gene Wilder &Amp;Amp; Madeline Kahn In “Young Frankenstein”

19Minutes30Seconds:“Spinning Around”Andrés Velencoso By Rick Guestes Magazine

19Minutes30Seconds:“Spinning Around”Andrés Velencoso By Rick Guestes Magazine

Jinxproof: Lorna Forannuméro China (February 2018)Ph. Katja Mayer

Jinxproof: Lorna Forannuméro China (February 2018)Ph. Katja Mayer

19Minutes30Seconds:theres Alexandersson By Mikael Schulz At Tush, Summer 2012

19Minutes30Seconds:theres Alexandersson By Mikael Schulz At Tush, Summer 2012

19Minutes30Seconds:ian Mellencamp By Mario Testinov Magazine, Fall 2011

19Minutes30Seconds:ian Mellencamp By Mario Testinov Magazine, Fall 2011

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