Proto Porn
Reblog if you were born in the 90's & you still don't have a baby.
Reblog if you were born in the 90's & you still don't have a baby.
That Dingle Dangle
That Dingle Dangle
Jester-Nene: Godzillaftw: If Vader Got To Raise Luke And Leia. Priceless
Ur-My-Boi-Micoo: I Can’t Stop Laughing. That Ginger Cat That Gets Hit By A Lump Of Fur And Takes It Like A Champ
That Dingle Dangle
Vwcarmats: Atnervesend: Channingellison: Watch Out … (W/ Marcus Johns; Inspired By Joe Weller) Oh My God An Rko Outta Nowhere The Legend Killer
Chibiknightcrossing:working On Oc Backstory Like
Vaulthunternetwork: Crabkiller788: The Actors For The Good Guys Of Borderlands 2 In Order Bruce Dubose - Marcus Colleen Clinkenbeard - Patrica Tannis J Michael Tatum - Sir Hammerlock Jamie Marchi - Ellie Michael Neumann - Scooter Brina Palericia - Moxxi
Who-Could-Love-A-Beast: Ryanccole: Monasticmaestoso: Portalgifs: No But You All Need To Understand How Funny This Is Theyre Literally Filling A Robot With Bullets, Like Bullets That You Fire From A Gun. Now Normally Firing A Gun Triggers The Bullet
That Dingle Dangle
Pizzaforonevodkafor3: Jhunnyplaysdamello: Zaynirl:nizzlekicks:i Can’t Beleive Thisit Is 2015 I Fucking Quit Oh Fuck Off!