Proto Porn
Second Death Star to the Right...
Second Death Star to the Right...
Twist Of Fate
Dirtysouthavenger: [Marvel 1990 The Year In Review]
Chestnutisland: 19; Something's Different…To @Slightly-Crimson-Tornado (I Never Watched Opm So I Hope This Is Okay! Oh And You Are Most Welcome, Dear!)
Mad Max Was So Problematic.
Westcoastavengers: Psylocke | Andrew Ross Maclean
Daily Dccu
I Leave You As I Found You, Only Some Time Later.
Nikolasdraperivey: Feudal Star Wars Here Are Some Samurai Inspired Designs I Did Based Off Tfa. :) 1. Samurai Kylo Ren 2. Feudal Rey 3. Ronin Finn4. Commander Poe-Nik.
Bitch, I Work At Starbucks.
The Dirty Russian
Golden-Fvcker: Gold3N-S4Tiva: X +
Mostlycatsmostly: (Via Mikhailprau)