Proto Porn
ly0nheart1: kawaiidolphin: oh dear god. My sides Im crying.
ly0nheart1: kawaiidolphin: oh dear god. My sides Im crying.
Danwhiskers: Everybody Needs Winking Neil Patrick Harris On Their Blog. Am I Pregnant Now
Janecrocker: Canon Jesus Is Way Cooler Than Fanon Jesus Canon Jesus Was A Sassy Middle Eastern Guy Who Literally Said “Did I Fucking Stutter” And Hung Out With Prostitutes Fanon Jesus Is Just Some Boring White Guy Who Sits Around Hugging Lambs
Beefybruin: Matthulksmash: Did A Few Black And Whites. These Jeans. No Fit. And This Is Why He Is My Tumblr Crush
Farfromthetrees: Hunter S Thompson, John Cusack &Amp;Amp; Johnny Depp In A Car, With A Blow-Up Doll. Amazeaballs.
Nick The Pillow
Swisher Sweetheart
Swisher Sweetheart
Swisher Sweetheart
Swisher Sweetheart
Jay's Backroom
Get-Fucked-And-Get-Inked: Oh My