Proto Porn
Not Lost, on an Adventure
Not Lost, on an Adventure
Punchdrunklove: Totogangordie: Skellydun: Hell Yeah. Omfg I’m Coughing I’m Laughing So Hardi Don’t Know Why This Is So Funny
Dodekuhedron: So These May Or May Not Be Super Comfy. Also Butt.
Notlostonanadventure: I Feel Like This Is Important
Tumblr Is Dying
Bara Tiddies
Bara Tiddies
Not Lost, On An Adventure
Bill Gates A Nasty Ass Nigga For Making Water Outa Doodie
Itachi420: Do You Think They Dyed And Styled Their Hair Like That Because They Fucking Love Their Eeveelutions So Much Or Since Its Anime Were They Born With Hair Like That And Chose Their Evveelutions Based On The Destiny Their Hair Fortold
Kitty-Latte: Radicalfruit: A-S-D-F-G-H-J-K-L-No: Gorillamunchies: Why Does This Make Me Feel Mad Because He’s Considered Powerful, And She’s Considered A Whore. *Shots Fired* I Think They Were Referring To The Fact That They’re Both Defying
Ronnieraccoon: Nintendo And Their “Dark Version” Tropes, Lol
Next Time... A New Beginning!