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Blog has moved. Find me if you can. Adiós.
Awwww-Cute: His First Day At A New Job. Had To Look Snazzy
Beautifulfuckingmen: Hommesclub:mariano Ontañon | Ermanno Scervino Fw15 Backstage, Ph. Matteo Valle ♞
Sparklysloth:this Is Like. Top Three Favorite Vines Ever I’m Crying
Thegingerium: Himynameissharon: Cringing: Birdvswindowpane: Unfriendlyjewishhottie: Themaskednegro: Fuckedupgal: Themodifiedlife: Ndnickerson: Because It Helps To Remember This Every Now And Then. Also Did Anybody Else Notice That They Removed
Zelda Is A Girl
Beben-Eleben:seemingly Useless Kitchen Gadgets That Actually Kind Of Rule
Thenintendard: Legend Of Zelda Epic Majora’s Mask Postermade By Barrett Biggers
Mats-Bloody-Hat:i Almost Fell Off My Chair Fcuk You