Proto Porn
lowesews: Finally behind someone else’s camera, namely Lee’s ❤️
lowesews: Finally behind someone else’s camera, namely Lee’s ❤️
Lowesews: Pretending To Be Cultured 🎨Leejamie
Lowesews: Hey, Erm… Sun? ☀️
Lowesews: Yunobo Wishes He Could 😜
Lowesews: Oh, Aye? ‘Urts, Is It? Kinell!Lee
Lowesews: We Finally Got To Lunch With A Certain Cutie Today 😊
Lowesews: Attempting To Tint This With Some Fabric Dye… We’ll See How Well That Goes 👀
Lowesews: Thanks Lee For Capturing My Inner Tired Spongebob 😅
Lowesews: Love This Graffiti 😂
Lowesews: @Jaffajamjam That Crobat Biker Can Raw Me, Ngl 😩
Supitsmark: Tumblr, I’m Starting Over.
Bummersault: Favorite Pokemon, Reporting In Per Usual. Thought About Turning These Into Fanmade Cards Like My Previous Entry, But Turns Out That Magcargo Got A Good Reprint Recently, So It Can’t Complain.