Proto Porn

Australian lifeguard twins Jessy and Travis. There’s a pretty funny video of them sandwich-fucking a blow-up doll - can’t find any decent stills.

Australian lifeguard twins Jessy and Travis. There’s a pretty funny video of them sandwich-fucking a blow-up doll - can’t find any decent stills.

Australian lifeguard twins Jessy and Travis. There’s a pretty funny video

Australian lifeguard twins Jessy and Travis. There’s a pretty funny video

Australian lifeguard twins Jessy and Travis. There’s a pretty funny video

Australian lifeguard twins Jessy and Travis. There’s a pretty funny video

Dude Found The Boy&Amp;Rsquo;S Sweet Spot.

Dude Found The Boy&Amp;Rsquo;S Sweet Spot.

Beautiful Curves.

Beautiful Curves.

You Want A Piece Of This?

You Want A Piece Of This?

Found Him Cruizin The Park.

Found Him Cruizin The Park.

Rare Moments Of Quiet Time With A Buddy.

Rare Moments Of Quiet Time With A Buddy.

Band Of Brothers.

Band Of Brothers.

Blowing Off Steam.

Blowing Off Steam.

Keeping Things Clean And Tidy.

Keeping Things Clean And Tidy.

Group Photos Through The Years.

Group Photos Through The Years.

Collected From The Net. Very Likely Photo Shop Fake-Outs, But Funny.

Collected From The Net. Very Likely Photo Shop Fake-Outs, But Funny.



A Little R &Amp;Amp; R On Shore Leave.

A Little R &Amp;Amp; R On Shore Leave.

gwbooks gwchallenge