Proto Porn
A moment of silence for the MAMA era that gave us so many moments.
A moment of silence for the MAMA era that gave us so many moments.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Pandreos: Baekhyun Getting Startled By A Flying Insect
Chen-S: Chen- Teaser 2
Cumbaek: You Wanna Sit With Me? Sorry, But No.
Underwears: Exo Vandalism
Ohsehuns: Exo;Colorings
Kaiwaiisoo-Blog: Nicknames
Yikexing: Xingmyheart: Yikexing: Baektastic: Xoforexo: If Kris Is 笨笨 Then Lay Is Definitely 呆呆 呆Faceu Ok He’s Not 呆 Lay Is 可爱 Okay. More Like Lay Is 我的 Okay Okay Lay 是你的 But Yixing Is 我的
Crossgrid: Kibum Wtf Is That On Your Crotch
Thekra ★.