Proto Porn
baekhyu-n: baekhyun’s ‘little acting’ during his punishment
baekhyu-n: baekhyun’s ‘little acting’ during his punishment
Can You Imagine Being A Famous Person’s Girlfriend And Going On Tour With Him And Being Backstage And When He Comes Offstage He Sneaks In Kisses With You And After He’s Done And He’s All Sweaty He Comes Off Stage And Hugs You Tight And Snakes His
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Cheolyans: Jesus Fuqin Kris
Kris’s Attempt To Draw Defconn.
Jonginnie-Ah-Blog: The Awkward Moment When You Have To Stop Singing In Order To Decide Whether The Song Is In Korean Or In Chinese
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Purplefever4788: I Think Tao’s Having An Identity Crisis Xd
Pineeinthewest: Now If Jongin Got His Cornrows Back They’d Actually Look Like Corn
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Zitao-Batao-Patani: Kim Jongin