Proto Porn

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

「 nostalgia 」

Truckerjbthemd: Entwinedmoon: Kaiitea: 73R: Priceofliberty: Report: 95% Of Grandfathers Got Job By Walking Right Up And Just Asking Fun Story My History Teacher Told Us: His Grandfather During The Industrial Revolution Walked Past A Flyer Which

Truckerjbthemd:  Entwinedmoon:  Kaiitea:  73R:  Priceofliberty:  Report: 95% Of Grandfathers

Tygermama: Tis-Superfruit: “I’m A Non-Christian Living The South, I Can’t Even Go To A God Damn Potluck Without Having To Thank Some Space Fairy For The Broccoli Casserole, And Honey, It Makes Me A Little Uncomfortable.” I’m Wheezing. This

Tygermama:  Tis-Superfruit:  “I’m A Non-Christian Living The South, I Can’t

Bagged-A-Bazooka: 64Bitwar: Onlinepunk: Gay Ppl Who Are Biphobic Make Literally No Sense And Yet Here They Are They Make Perfect Sense. They Had The Minimum Human Decency To Pick A Fucking Side Bro What The Fuck Do You Think The B In Lgbt Stands

Bagged-A-Bazooka:  64Bitwar:  Onlinepunk:  Gay Ppl Who Are Biphobic Make Literally

Theillustriousxander: Shes-Justlikethe-Weather: My Respect Level For T-Pain Is Out The Roof Right Now. Ur Still Fugly

Theillustriousxander:  Shes-Justlikethe-Weather:  My Respect Level For T-Pain Is



Mediamattersforamerica: Trans People Aren’t. The. Ones. Being. Creepy. In Bathrooms. H/T Carlos Maza

Mediamattersforamerica:  Trans People Aren’t. The. Ones. Being. Creepy. In Bathrooms.

Wongkarwhytho: Ayoade On Ayoade

Wongkarwhytho:  Ayoade On Ayoade

Bana05: Brightindie: Don’t Invite Me Anywhere Last Minute I Enjoy Doing Nothing So I Need To Know Ahead Of Time If My Plan To Do Nothing Needs To Be Changed This Is Legit And People Don’t Realize It.

Bana05:  Brightindie:    Don’t Invite Me Anywhere Last Minute I Enjoy Doing Nothing

Dear Artists...

 Dear Artists...

Carlosdavidvaldes: If Ur Bi/Pansexual You Can Call Yourself Gay And Queer (If You Choose To Reclaim The Latter), Bc U Experience Same-Gender Attraction You’re Not In A “Gay” Or A “Straight” Relationship Based On Who You’re Dating Unless

Carlosdavidvaldes:  If Ur Bi/Pansexual You Can Call Yourself Gay And Queer (If You

Cryopearl: Shunthewitch: Cryopearl: Everybody That Reblogs This By May 10Th Will Get A Traditionally Drawn Character Based On What I Think You Look Like After Scrolling Through Your Blog I Think He Will Have Stopped Because Of How Many Fucking People

Cryopearl:  Shunthewitch:  Cryopearl:  Everybody That Reblogs This By May 10Th Will

Femmenace-T: Pervocracy: Postwhitesociety: Hm I Think The “Women Are Mysterious” Thing Can Also Come From: 1) Women Actually Being Quite Clear, But Not Telling Men What They Want To Hear.  ”She Said She Doesn’t Want To Talk To Me?  So Many

Femmenace-T:  Pervocracy:  Postwhitesociety:  Hm  I Think The “Women Are Mysterious”

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