Proto Porn

grawly: grawly: zachafalse: yamasked: YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND MY UNFATHOMABLE HATRED FOR THIS SHITTYU ASS FUCKIGN PICTURE aRE ALL THOSE MAREEPS FUCKING SHINY In Pokemon X/Y there is a 1-in-4,096 chance of finding a shiny.  4096 to the power of

grawly: grawly: zachafalse: yamasked: YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND MY UNFATHOMABLE HATRED FOR THIS SHITTYU ASS FUCKIGN PICTURE aRE ALL THOSE MAREEPS FUCKING SHINY In Pokemon X/Y there is a 1-in-4,096 chance of finding a shiny.  4096 to the power of

grawly: grawly:  zachafalse:  yamasked:  YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND MY UNFATHOMABLE

Kilvas:bigprettygothgf:gigaimpact:when Are They Announcing Gay Sex For The Nintendo Switch Whenever They Finally Get Around To Bayonetta 3 Great News Everyone

Kilvas:bigprettygothgf:gigaimpact:when Are They Announcing Gay Sex For The Nintendo

Rainbow-Femme:cross Your Fingers For Disney Losing Full Avengers Rights

Rainbow-Femme:cross Your Fingers For Disney Losing Full Avengers Rights

Dear People Living On Your Own For The First Time:

Dear People Living On Your Own For The First Time:

Gay-Impressionist:obsessed By This Statue I Saw Today In Le Havre (France) From The Italian Sculptor Fabio Viale. The Design Isn’t Painted On… The Ink Is Injected Inside The Marble Like A Real Tattoo. And If I Remember Correctly What The Guide Said,

Gay-Impressionist:obsessed By This Statue I Saw Today In Le Havre (France) From The

Gelledegg:powerfulwizard:this Is What Ancient Greek Philosophy Is Like

Gelledegg:powerfulwizard:this Is What Ancient Greek Philosophy Is Like

Laeffy:laeffy:every Time I Get Groceries I’m Always Appalled At How Little You Can Get For Like, $20. I Was Making Banana Pudding So I Needed Vanilla Wafers But The Brand Name Nilla Wafers Cost $4 A Box. The Minimum Wage In My State Is $7.25/Hr. My

Laeffy:laeffy:every Time I Get Groceries I’m Always Appalled At How Little You





Punkrocktaire: Drunkenssoldier: Ememely: (Wakes Up At Reasonable Hour) (Stays In Bed For Two More Hours) (Goes To Bed At A Reasonable Hour)(Stays Awake For Two More Hours) (Both)

Punkrocktaire: Drunkenssoldier:  Ememely:  (Wakes Up At Reasonable Hour) (Stays In

Flipocrite:guerrillatech:the Modern Education System Was Designed During The Industrial Revolution To Force Children Into A Workplace Environment (“Shut Up, Sit Down, Do Your Busywork, Obey Authority Without Question, No Bathroom Breaks, You Are Dismissed

Flipocrite:guerrillatech:the Modern Education System Was Designed During The Industrial



Sule-Skerry:ms-Demeanor:ms-Demeanor:ms-Demeanor:arahir:arahir:i Am Literally Offering $50 To Any Person Who Can Find A Definitive Answer To This Question: Why Was The Famous Movie The Name Of The Rose (1986), Starring Sean Connery, Banned In The United

Sule-Skerry:ms-Demeanor:ms-Demeanor:ms-Demeanor:arahir:arahir:i Am Literally Offering

WouldTotallyFuck WouldYouFuckMyWife