Proto Porn

Uh, is it wrong of me to feel insulted when the very person who did everything they could to curb any and all artistic endeavors I had as a kid just suggested I “Start selling drawings online”?

Uh, is it wrong of me to feel insulted when the very person who did everything they could to curb any and all artistic endeavors I had as a kid just suggested I “Start selling drawings online”?

Uh, is it wrong of me to feel insulted when the very person who did everything they

Sexy Pony Octavia Or Erotic Human Applejack? Edit: Ok, So Far It Seems To Slightly Tip Towards Applejack, So I&Amp;Rsquo;Ll Work On That First. Octavia Is Already Ready For Coloring So It&Amp;Rsquo;Ll Come Around Soon Enough Too.

Sexy Pony Octavia Or Erotic Human Applejack?   Edit: Ok, So Far It Seems To Slightly

It&Amp;Rsquo;S Ridiculous To Think That It&Amp;Rsquo;S Already Been An Entire Goddamn Week Since I Sat Down To Spend An Hour Or Two Practicing Perspective, Which Is What I Need To Practice The Most. What The Hell Is Wrong With Time These Days?The Older You Get

It&Amp;Rsquo;S Ridiculous To Think That It&Amp;Rsquo;S Already Been An Entire Goddamn

That Awkward, Awkward Moment When You&Amp;Rsquo;Re Sketching Clop On Your Phone In Public And The Shorts You&Amp;Rsquo;Re Wearing Are Too Light To Hide Your Rising Boner. It&Amp;Rsquo;S A Hell I Brought Upon Myself. Edit: No&Amp;Hellip;. No Dude. I&Amp;Rsquo;M In A

That Awkward, Awkward Moment When You&Amp;Rsquo;Re Sketching Clop On Your Phone In

Y'all Better Love Applejack And Applebloom A Fuckton Right Now Because The Amount Of Work I&Amp;Rsquo;M Putting Into This Picture Is No Joke, Holy Shit.

Y'all Better Love Applejack And Applebloom A Fuckton Right Now Because The Amount

Rcr's Cave: I Think I Understand Why More Popular Artists Seem A Bit Bitter And...

Rcr's Cave: I Think I Understand Why More Popular Artists Seem A Bit Bitter And...

I&Amp;Rsquo;M 25 Years Old And I Still Chuckled When I Picked Up A Six Pack Of Hoegaarden. Growild Old Is Mandatory. Growing Up Is Optional.

I&Amp;Rsquo;M 25 Years Old And I Still Chuckled When I Picked Up A Six Pack Of Hoegaarden.

Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I Knew I Forgot Something. No Freckles.

Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I Knew I Forgot Something.

Holy Shit, Someone Gave Me A Head Scratcher. How Have I Not Known This Bliss Until This Day? Also More Applecest Incoming, Since You Guys Clearly Adore My Humans.

Holy Shit, Someone Gave Me A Head Scratcher. How Have I Not Known This Bliss Until

Tagging Shit.

Tagging Shit.

I Hope Nobody At Works Asks Me What I Did During My Vacation.  &Amp;Ldquo;Oh&Amp;Hellip; Y'know&Amp;Hellip; Drew Horse Porn.&Amp;Rdquo; In Other News, Awww Yissss Scone

I Hope Nobody At Works Asks Me What I Did During My Vacation.   &Amp;Ldquo;Oh&Amp;Hellip;

Godaddy Is Having A Sweet Deal With Groupon And A Bunch Of Coupons. But 1) I Hate Godaddy, And 2) I Don&Amp;Rsquo;T Need A Domain Name Anymore. First World Problems, Amirite.

Godaddy Is Having A Sweet Deal With Groupon And A Bunch Of Coupons. But 1) I Hate

Nothing Like Wildly Swinging A Sword Like An Utter Retard Under The Moonlight To Take Me Back To The Best Days Of My Life. 

Nothing Like Wildly Swinging A Sword Like An Utter Retard Under The Moonlight To

edging elegantperversion