Proto Porn
plizm: untitled by Gemeentemuseum Den Haag on Flickr.
plizm: untitled by Gemeentemuseum Den Haag on Flickr.
Maihudson: Spencer Tunick, Mardi Gras: The Base (Sydney Opera House), 2010. Spener Tunick Creates Artworks In Which Nude Bodies Are Infinitely Repeated: “Individuals En Masse, Without Their Clothing, Grouped Together, Metamorphose Into A New Shape.
Tapist: Florencio Alberola - -º) A Que Jugamos Hoy…?
The Worst Blog On Tumblr
Welcome 2 My Universe
Aestheticgoddess: Rectangle Shoes By Maria Nina Vaclavek Reveal Outlines Of The Wearer’s Feet
Euo: Sergio De Rezende
Burn It Down
Sickpage: Maps Dou Solanopamplona, Colombia, 2013
Anticrap: Sometimes You Gotta Ali Boulala That Board And Chuck It