Proto Porn
untrustyou: Erik Gustafsson
untrustyou: Erik Gustafsson
Newyorker: As A Woman Of Color, And Also A Lesbian, The Photographer Laura Aguilar Belongs To, As She Puts It, A “Hidden Subculture” Within Another Subculture, A Marginalized Community Within Another Marginalized Community. Her Work Is An Exploration
Adreciclarte: By Stephanie Dimiskovski
Kruled: Toilet Paper Magazine
Escorpiangel: Twenty1-Grams: Ramona By Tot3Mica On Deviantart ♏
Wikoni: Jelle Haen |W| Candy Magazine |W| Philippe Vogelenzang
Jeztls:alberto Polo Iañez
Megadonnamega: Vladimir Kagan, Lucite Lounge Chair, Usa 1970’S
Maryjopeace: Sean Ellis | White Dragon | Styling Isabella Blow | The Face No 14 | March 1998 | Strip-Project | April 2018
Phasesmag: Melissa Ann Pinney
Too-Civilized: Larry Sultan
Nevver:knock Loud I’m Home, David Foster Nass