Proto Porn
So Google does math for you??
So Google does math for you??
Can Y'all Stop Touching Black People's Hair? Ok I Get That You're Fascinated By Our Hair And Think It's Beautiful Or Whatever. But We Are Not Walking Petting Zoos So Please Do Not Touch Us, Especially If We Didn't Give You Permission To Do So!
Squeeful: Ups-Official: Iyazo: Ups-Official: Iyazo: Fed-Ex-Official: Ups-Official: Laughingmeerkat: Your Package Has Been Delivered We’d Never Drive Into Your Fucking House. Unlike @Fed-Ex-Official. When You Need Fast Delivery We Come Through
Liposucction: Lying Ass Future Did All This To Promote His Microwaved Foil Paper Music And Y'all Misogynistic Assholes Were Defending Him
If You're Voting For Donald Trump, Unfollow Me Right Now...
The Ultimate Collector's Item
Nikareeashlee: Animericans: Gmby: Animericans: Gavin Mood Board Wait That’s This Kid’s Name? How Is He So Ubiquitous? Why Is He So Bothered? His Name Is Gavin And He Just Can’t Catch A Break Gavin Looks Like Dexters Son Harrison Lmao
Kyraneko: Anightvaleintern: Yolandaash: Teapotsahoy: Jadelyn: Doctor-Segmentium: Let’s Be Honest Though, Millennial Hate Is Totally A Thing Rich Folks Started Because They’re Pissed That We Have Really Unpredictable Consumer Habits And It Isn’t
Blackjesusaintgottime: Blackcreaturefromthelagoon: Happy 4Th Of July Me Like Everyday
Thesociologicalcinema: Source: Pew Research Center
Flawlessxqueen: Psl: Cosmic-Noir: Surprisebitch: “How Much Do You Love Milk?” Me: I Just Screamed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Weedsoda: Cannabisandcabernet: Coffeepotsmokin: Morceaux-Sanglants: I Dyed My Hair Green, Cause Fuck It. Babe Alert Holy Shittttt 😍 😍😍😍