Proto Porn
David Ligare
David Ligare
David Ligare
David Ligare
Geofrrey Laurence
Geofrrey Laurence
Geofrrey Laurence
Jim Ferringer
Loquaciousconnoisseur: Joshua Reynolds The Dilettanti Society (C. 1777) Engraved By William Say (1812) Yale Center For British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, Usa
Professorspictureshow: Lilias Torrance Newton (1896-1980) “Louis Muhlstock” C.1937
Frazetta: Illustration For Tarzan And The Castaways.
Quam-Nos-Animadverto: Children And Spastics By George Tooker 1946
Peira: Loki By James Pascoe