Proto Porn
Le bon samaritain d’Henryk Stefan (1920)
Le bon samaritain d’Henryk Stefan (1920)
Pedro Centeno Vallenilla (1904-1988)
Wim Heldens - ‘Mirror’
Franz Marc - “Self-Portrait In Breton Costume” C.1904
Toine Likes Art, Vintage And Gay Erotism
Portrait Of A Young Man - 18X24 - Oil - By Contemporary Realist Painter Dana Levin
Fuck Yeah Canadian Forces
Achille Funi (Italian, 1890-1972), Portrait Of The Painter Mario Tozzi, 1929. Oil On Canvas, 62 X 57 Cm. Museo Del Paesaggio, Verbania, Lago Maggiore.
Eugène Delacroix (1816) Self Portrait
The Dream Of Aneas, Salvator Rosa
Daredevil By Joe Quesada
Ludovico Mazzantis. Giuseppe Da Copertino Si Eleva In Volo Alla Vista Della Basilica Di Loreto1750