Proto Porn

Woodcut by R. Clayton Skate from a late 1930s edition of the Courier magazine

Woodcut by R. Clayton Skate from a late 1930s edition of the Courier magazine

Woodcut by R. Clayton Skate from a late 1930s edition of the Courier magazine

Francisco Soria Aedo:  Primitive Hunters, 1953

Francisco Soria Aedo:  Primitive Hunters, 1953



Incendio Di Borgo (Dettaglio) - Raffaello, Musei Vaticani

Incendio Di Borgo (Dettaglio) - Raffaello, Musei Vaticani

Rory Kurtz

Rory Kurtz

Vintage Graphics

Vintage Graphics

Charles Louis Lesalle

Charles Louis Lesalle

Charles Louis Lesalle

Charles Louis Lesalle



Homo Illustrated

Homo Illustrated

Undergraduates In A Worcester College Room - Edward Irvine Halliday (1952)

Undergraduates In A Worcester College Room - Edward Irvine Halliday (1952)

Homo Illustrated

Homo Illustrated

Zofia Wendorff- Serafinowicz (Polish,1905-1989), Concert (1934).

Zofia Wendorff- Serafinowicz (Polish,1905-1989), Concert (1934).

throatbarrier throatpies