Proto Porn

Scott Mitchell: Portrait of Donald Draper (played by John Hamm)

Scott Mitchell: Portrait of Donald Draper (played by John Hamm)

Scott Mitchell: Portrait of Donald Draper (played by John Hamm)

Jesse Garbe

Jesse Garbe

Graphite Made

Graphite Made

Testa Di Marte, C. 1800, Scuola Francese

Testa Di Marte, C. 1800, Scuola Francese

High Test By Paul Malon 1948; Illustration By James R. Bingham.

High Test By Paul Malon    	1948; Illustration By James R. Bingham.

Deberenlos:sketches For A Bigger Work

Deberenlos:sketches For A Bigger Work

Georges Seurat (French, 1859-1891), Le Liseur [The Reader], C.1881-82. Black Conté Crayon On Paper Laid On Board, 31 X 21.9 Cm.

Georges Seurat (French, 1859-1891), Le Liseur [The Reader], C.1881-82. Black Conté

Let's Modernize The World Together

Let's Modernize The World Together

Courbet, Gustaveself-Portrait At Sainte-Pélagiec. 1872Oil On Canvas, 92 X 72 Cmmusée Courbet, Ornans

Courbet, Gustaveself-Portrait At Sainte-Pélagiec. 1872Oil On Canvas, 92 X 72 Cmmusée

Vintage Graphics

Vintage Graphics

Lance Hewison 

Lance Hewison 

Thierry Carrier - Sans Titre (Code 1242). Huile Sur Toile, 160X130 Cm (2012)

Thierry Carrier - Sans Titre (Code 1242). Huile Sur Toile, 160X130 Cm (2012)

Margaret Barnard:  Rowers  (1925)

Margaret Barnard:  Rowers  (1925)

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