Proto Porn

Douglas Gray

Douglas Gray

  Douglas Gray

Mike Mccanna

  Mike Mccanna

Homme Page

Homme Page

Gottfried Franz. Baron Münchhausen, 1896

  Gottfried Franz. Baron Münchhausen, 1896

Peng Si

Peng Si

Wayne Thiebaud

  Wayne Thiebaud

Thomas Copperthwait Eakins

Thomas Copperthwait Eakins

Thomas Copperthwait Eakins

Thomas Copperthwait Eakins

Phillip Dvorak

Phillip Dvorak

“Autorretrato”, José María Velasco, (1894)

“Autorretrato”, José María Velasco, (1894)



Pablo Picasso - Portrait De Martin Fabiani (Ii), 1943. Pencil On Paper, 20 X 13 In. Private Collection

   Pablo Picasso - Portrait De Martin Fabiani (Ii), 1943. Pencil On Paper, 20 X 13

Words And Lust

Words And Lust

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