Proto Porn
Henry Koehler ( American, b.1927 ), Alexander Mackay-Smith, charcoal on paper.
Henry Koehler ( American, b.1927 ), Alexander Mackay-Smith, charcoal on paper.
More Mayhem
Patrick Buchan-Hepburn, Lord Hailes By Glyn Warren Philpot 1934.
Alberto Marques
Fred Hatt
Dillon Samuelson
Carlo Portelli: “Saint Sebastian”
Les Satinover
Juan Soriano San Jerónimo
Cody Furguson
Shigeo Ishii (Japanese, 1933-1962), The Violence Series: Acrobatics, 1956. Oil On Canvas, 162 X130.4 Cm. The National Museum Of Art, Osaka
Bernard Bénézet