Proto Porn

Luis Felipe Camargo

Luis Felipe Camargo

  Luis Felipe Camargo

Fernando Vicente - Illustration - Prints

Fernando Vicente - Illustration - Prints

Profound Gaiety

Profound Gaiety

Nicola Verlato (Italian, B. 1965) Burzum (Detail),  2012, Oil On Canvas

Nicola Verlato (Italian, B. 1965) Burzum (Detail),  2012, Oil On Canvas

Words And Lust

Words And Lust

Illustration By Artedgar

  Illustration By Artedgar

Victor Gadino

Victor Gadino

Anthony J. Ryder

  Anthony J. Ryder



Mostly Gay Erotic Art

Mostly Gay Erotic Art



Cody Furguson

  Cody Furguson

Pagan, Gay And Surviving After 50

Pagan, Gay And Surviving After 50

DatV Dattaint