Proto Porn
stonemen:Luigi Garzi (1638-1721).
stonemen:Luigi Garzi (1638-1721).
Beyond-The-Pale:kendric Tonn - Jared Seated Brandt-Roberts Galleries
Variantcomicscovers: This Is The Julian Totino Tedesco Variant Cover For Action Comics #1033.
Beyond-The-Pale: Julian Wright, Watercolor, 1940S
Beyond-The-Pale: John R. Grabach (1886-1981)
The1920Sinpictures:june, 1913 Cover Of “The Ladies’ World” Magazine Featuring A Self-Portrait By Charles Dana Gibson.
Grundoonmgnx: Nick Alm (Swediish, B. 1985)
Artist-Serov: Portrait Of Count Feliks Feliksovich Sumarokov-Yelstov Later Prince Yusupov, 1903, Valentin Serovmedium: Oil,Canvas
4Men-Who-Like-It-Hot: Vitaly Sergeevich Zolotavin (24.12.1927-01.02.2021)Portrait D'un Chauffeur. 1954 1954Portrait Du Chauffeurhuile Sur Toile.
Mrdirtybear:‘the Pottery Shop, Tangiers’ As Painted By French Painter Jean Discart (1856-1944).
Beyond-The-Pale: Kou Shou
Repubblicabanana:stephan Quickmann