Proto Porn

The future will view all history as a crime

The future will view all history as a crime

The future will view all history as a crime

Corazón De Poeta

Corazón De Poeta

Darkest Owl

Darkest Owl

Darkest Owl

Darkest Owl

Darkest Owl

Darkest Owl

Sometimes Words Are Not Enough

Sometimes Words Are Not Enough

Psycho (1960)

 Psycho (1960)

The Battle Of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)

 The Battle Of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)

“Everything You Can Imagine Is Real.” Pablo Picasso

 “Everything You Can Imagine Is Real.”  Pablo Picasso

Arnold Genthe-Allegretto, Nude Woman In Dance Pose., 1910

 Arnold Genthe-Allegretto, Nude Woman In Dance Pose., 1910

Gene Tierney

 Gene Tierney

By Robert Doisneau

 By Robert Doisneau

”Freaks” (1932)

 ”Freaks” (1932)

lucypinder madison_ivy