Proto Porn
kismesiis: just take a minute and look at this guys
kismesiis: just take a minute and look at this guys
Lilbijou: Loverrtits: Chanel-And-Louboutins: I Think She Looks Beautiful With Them , I Think Race Shouldn’t Matter. Because When They Wear Our Hairstyles It’s Avant Garde &Amp;Amp; Groundbreaking But When We Do It We’re Ghetto Trash. I Hope She
Cakekrust: Keep!!!! Your!!!!! Black!!!!! Cats!!!!! Inside!!!! Tomorrow!!!!! It’s Friday The 13Th And There Are Horrible Evil People Out There That Kill/Injure Black Cats For Superstitious Reasons. Please Keep Your Cuties Safe.
Gabbyroars: Eunoiaxiii: Baby The Look I Give Everyone Daily
There Is No Limit To Love
: Sensory Overload And How To Cope. (Click On Images To Zoom)
Adorable Between My Legs Sigh
Iamaneggplant: One Of The Best Youtube Comments
Rosenrot5: Itsclintoncraig: Shakirugh: When Americans Compare The World Cup To The Super Bowl I Don’t Think You People Understand How Massive The Super Bowl Is In This Country I Don’t Think You People Understand How Massive The World Cup Is In
The3Volutionofchichi: Please Help Me Find My Sister She Left The Sacramento Area Around 9Pm With A Member Of The City Of Angels International Christian Church. She Has Been Acting Erratically Since Joining The Church In Las Vegas, And We Are Concerned
Obsessionthenarglesmademedoit: Lapfulofmisha: Hannibalthecanibal: Thatonedeadkid: My-Esckey: Dean Winchester - Better Than Your Sky Since 1979 Definitely I Went From Scrolling Down As Quickly As I Could To As Slowly As I Could In .0001 Seconds
*Grabs Your Vagina*
Laura-Thesedays: Signal Boost This News! Seriously, How Come This Isn’t All Over Tumblr? Angelina Jolie Presided Over The Largest Ever Global Anti-Rape Summit. She Is Using Her Celebrity For Good. She Is Addressing Rape In Wartime And In Conflict Zones,