Proto Porn
heart: perks of having your best friend as your neighbor
heart: perks of having your best friend as your neighbor
Tylenold: People Who Snap Fingers At Waiters Are The People U Need To Throw Into An Active Volcano
Houseofsatanscreeps: Put A Letter In My Ask. A - If I’m In Love. B - Who The Last Person I Talked To On The Phone Was. C - How Long It’s Been Since I’ve Kissed. D - If I Have A Preference For Boys Or Girls. E - How Many Holes I Have In My Ears.
Squartmart: White People: This Toothpaste Is Spicy
Baracknobama: U Still Use A Nokia?? Haha Loser Btw How Was Bingo Night Did U Remember To Take Ur Medication?
Onlinehumor: Mood: 50% Horny 50% Hungry
Some Princess
Pardonmewhileipanic: Dogapult: Today Papa John’s Called My Starbucks And They Were Like “Are U Guys Interested In A Trade” And Five Frappuccinos Later They Gave Us Two Large Pizzas And A Large Order Of Cheesy Bread Ok But This Seems Adorable
Kristoffbjorgman: Hashadenoughpoptarts: Step Aside Jelsa There’s A New Disney/Dreamworks Crossover Ship In Town Can Their Ship Name Be Harming Because They’re Both Colossal Asshats Who Fuck Everyone’s Shit Up And Ruin Everything
Nintendo Teams Up With Playboy To Promote Bayonetta 2 | Niche Gamer
Some Princess
Telaryn: This May Be The Best Thing I See All Day.