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Spookyhella: Casually Call People “Human” To Unsettle Them And Make Them Question What Sort Of Being You Are

Spookyhella:  Casually Call People “Human” To Unsettle Them And Make Them Question

Bowlegsintheimpala: [X]

Bowlegsintheimpala:  [X]

And I Blog About It: I Hate My Friends

And I Blog About It: I Hate My Friends

Isaaclaheygirlhey: [X]

Isaaclaheygirlhey:  [X]

Urbancatfitters: I Procrastinate Until It’s Not Even Procrastinating Anymore It’s Just Stupidity

Urbancatfitters:  I Procrastinate Until It’s Not Even Procrastinating Anymore It’s

Foongus: Darn It I Just Saw A Private Part On The Internet

Foongus:  Darn It I Just Saw A Private Part On The Internet

Mishasminions: Mishasminions: Dean/Castiel - Wrecking Ball Okay, I’m Officially Off My 4-Month Destiel Fanvid Hiatus Because Dean Caressed Cas’ Face And I Just Had To Fanvid.not A Miley Cyrus Fan, But I Am A Fan Of This Song And How Well It Fits

Mishasminions:  Mishasminions:  Dean/Castiel - Wrecking Ball Okay, I’m Officially

Smokeringbob: Ohmysurak: Actors Who Are Also Fans Of The Thing They Are Acting In Let’s Not Forget About The Lovableness Of Actors Who Vehemently Hate What They’re In

Smokeringbob:  Ohmysurak:  Actors Who Are Also Fans Of The Thing They Are Acting



Overlordjake: Remohazard: I Won’t Take A Bullet For Anyone Because If I Have Time To Jump In Front Of A Bullet, You Have Time To Move. Y’know, You Probably Just Made Tons Of Songs Seem Completely Pointless.

Overlordjake:  Remohazard:  I Won’t Take A Bullet For Anyone Because If I Have

Kristen-Og: Self Respect And How I Like To Get Fucked Have No Correlation Goodbye

Kristen-Og:  Self Respect And How I Like To Get Fucked Have No Correlation Goodbye



GirlswithNeonHair GirlswithPigtails