Proto Porn
thecutestofthecute: Ah yes. The perfect place to sit.
thecutestofthecute: Ah yes. The perfect place to sit.
Only For Science (◡‿◡✿)
Biforce: Nothing Bad Can Happen While Ur Under A Blanket Just Remember That
Wellcometothedarkside: A Very Important Post About... Those Lips (◡‿◡✿) ♥
Fauta: Theelvenkingsunderthesky: “Homosexuality Is Wrong, The Bible Says It!”So Is: Wearing Two Different Fabricseating Pigs And Rabbits Wearing Torn Clotheshaving Short Hairhaving Tattooshaving More Than One Type Of Plant In Your Gardengoing
Best Funny
Zabyasachi: Taylor Swift Is Gonna Sue Whoever Made This
Deanwnchestcr: Jensen Love Week | Day Four: Jensen Ackles + Conventionsjus In Bello Convention (X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X)
Prettygodd: Bonus:
Anniemae04: Sdzsafaripark: Petting &Amp;Amp; Cuddling Newborn Tiger Cubs Lookit The Babies
Twenlyonepilots: Tyler Got Confused Between Holding On To You And The Judge
Elizabethrobertajones: Agentsex: Bluebellsandcocklesshells: So I Saw A Post That Had Two Pictures Side By Side–They Were Of Dean And Cas Looking Into Each Other’s Eyes And Jensen And Misha Looking Into Each Other’s Eyes.that’s A Pretty Extreme