Proto Porn

padaleckisam: dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s blunt little instrument. your own father didn’t care whether you lived or died. why should you?

padaleckisam: dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s blunt little instrument. your own father didn’t care whether you lived or died. why should you?

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

padaleckisam:  dad knew who you really were. good solider, nothing else. daddy’s

My Fall Will Be For You;

My Fall Will Be For You;

Casbadass: We’ll Treat Him Like One Of The Guys. We’ll Call Him By His First Name.

Casbadass:  We’ll Treat Him Like One Of The Guys. We’ll Call Him By His First

Spookyscarycastiels: Tonight

Spookyscarycastiels:  Tonight

Ruby Time Bitch

Ruby Time Bitch

Livebloggingmydescentintomadness: I’m Running Out Of Twitter

Livebloggingmydescentintomadness:  I’m Running Out Of Twitter

Fakepale: It’s 1Am And I Googled “Spongedog” Because I Was Thinking About Spongebob And Dogs At The Same Time And I Have Never Been This Satisfied In My Life

Fakepale:  It’s 1Am And I Googled “Spongedog” Because I Was Thinking About

Justjensenanddean: [X] [X] 

Justjensenanddean:  [X] [X] 



Ohmygodcas: For Cecilie ( Mishamoans ) Because I Think She Can Use Some Fluffy Destiel Right Now &Amp;Lt;3

Ohmygodcas:  For Cecilie ( Mishamoans ) Because I Think She Can Use Some Fluffy Destiel

Twentyonepilotslyric: Hometown |-/

Twentyonepilotslyric:  Hometown |-/

Twentyonepilotslyric: Migraine

Twentyonepilotslyric:  Migraine

Hellocoldworld: [X]

Hellocoldworld:  [X]

KeepTheShoesOn KeepitClassy