Proto Porn
bryandaugherty: Palouse Falls, WA
bryandaugherty: Palouse Falls, WA
9-Squares: 9 Squares 2Top: Sara Bennett, Bran Dougherty-Johnson, Brandon Wallmiddle: Zac Dixon, Oliver Sin, David Stanfieldbottom: Al Boardman, Skip Hursh, Jeroen Krielaarsabout The Project
N-A-R-C-0-T-I-Z-E: Edited.
Iheartmyart: Loic Locatelli Kournwskyfrom The Sabbat Series, 2014Perséphone Aux Enfers, 2015From The Sabbat Series, 2014Rebecca Rolfe Aka ‘Pocahontas’, 2015Coeurl, 2014From The Thanatos Series, 2014From The Sabbat Series, 2014Perfect Blue, 2012Perséphone
The Nature
Seasons-In-Hell: Robert Lorieux “Solitude” -Edited.
Brooklynhawaii:to Fall In Love With The Ocean Over And Over Is The Greatest Lesson In Romance..
The Queen Of Horror
Norriei: Sourcedumal: Kararikue: Oscurovolpe: Look At All The White Faces Without The Label Of Terrorist Under Their Pictures! Where Are The Derogatory Slurs That Make The Crimes A Result Of Their Race/Culture? Where Are The Think Pieces That Make
Un Café, Por Amor.
Indypendenthistory: Albert Schweitzer, Yousuf Karsh
Its Quoted
Whamonster: Hey Bud [ 1 / ? ]