Proto Porn

rabioheab: rabioheab: amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone cake mold of a sleeping baby and it makes me so uncomfortable  WHY DO YOU THINK I WANT TO BUY THIS

rabioheab: rabioheab: amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone cake mold of a sleeping baby and it makes me so uncomfortable  WHY DO YOU THINK I WANT TO BUY THIS

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone

rabioheab:  rabioheab:  amazon always sends me emails suggesting that i buy a silicone



Fandom And Feeling

Fandom And Feeling

Batchix: Pondermoofin: Castielangelofthetrenchcoats: Jamborii: Fucktsunderes: Reading Some A+ Fanfiction Right Now How Is There A Gif For This *Laughing So Hard* I Keep Hearing Them Sing Jingle Bells.

Batchix:  Pondermoofin:  Castielangelofthetrenchcoats:  Jamborii:  Fucktsunderes:

Solarsaturation: Shmeards: Wittyusernamed: Actualfarmerclintbarton-Deactiv: Let Us Take A Moment To Observe The Awesomeness Of Octopus. My Buddy Read An Article About Octopus Intelligence. It Was Feeding Time, And The Handler Dumped Some Shrimp Into

Solarsaturation:  Shmeards:  Wittyusernamed:  Actualfarmerclintbarton-Deactiv: Let

Thesylverlining: Queer-Cheer: Cissexist =/= Sexism Against Cis People Cis Is Not Defined By Being Happy With Your Gender Or Body.  Trans Individuals Are Not Required To Hate Themselves To Be Trans Trans People Actually Do Understand Transphobia Better

Thesylverlining:  Queer-Cheer:  Cissexist =/= Sexism Against Cis People Cis Is Not

Laurahhollisarchive-Deactivated: (X)

Laurahhollisarchive-Deactivated:  (X)

Cisboys: Gender:

Cisboys:  Gender:

Chilope: Txtpostprincess: If You’re A Girl And You Call Everyone “Bro” You Need To Stop Because You Sound Unattractive And Stupid If You’re A Person Who Thinks Someone Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Use Certain Words Because Of Their Gender You

Chilope:  Txtpostprincess:  If You’re A Girl And You Call Everyone “Bro” You

Donnermaysilee: You Know Whats Fucking Stupid When Your Family Makes You Go Somewhere With Them And You Tell Them You Dont Want To And Then When Youre Already Out They Blame You For Being All Angry And Tell You You Ruin Everything Oh Well My Fucking

Donnermaysilee:  You Know Whats Fucking Stupid When Your Family Makes You Go Somewhere



Saiduq: Having So Many Pokemon That You Love That You Can’t Decide Who You Want In Your Party

Saiduq:  Having So Many Pokemon That You Love That You Can’t Decide Who You Want

The-Vashta-Nerada: Zendlin: The-Vashta-Nerada: I Told My Dad That I Accidentally Ran Away From A Shiny Pokemon And He Told Me That Was The Second Worst Thing I Had Ever Done What Was The First? When I Was A Kid I Didn’t Understand The Severity

The-Vashta-Nerada:  Zendlin:  The-Vashta-Nerada:  I Told My Dad That I Accidentally

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