Proto Porn
thats-slightly-raven: charmnorm: are you okay? no
thats-slightly-raven: charmnorm: are you okay? no
First Class Motherfucker
Dammit-Barton: Flylikeabowtie: Sweetmotherofhandgrenades: Yumatsukomo: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Why Is Art So Fucking Hard #Up Above The World So High#I Cant Draw The Other Eye Twinkle Twinkle Little Fuck Dammit What The- I Give Up. This Is
Thefrogman: Darning Socks By Riy [Tumblr]
Notchicken: There’s This Japanese Exchange Student In My Math Class And He Sits Next To Me And Today I Had My Hand Raised For Like 15 Minutes But My Teacher Didnt Pick On Me So I Said “Notice Me Senpai” And The Japanese Exchange Student Turns To
Captaintightpanties: So Apparently Dick Can Mean Detective And Gumshoe Also Means Detective Detective Dick Gumshoe Detective Detective Detective
Smilingslowly: Spookywhiteghost: Fuckinglesbian: Princessnausicaa: My Mom Tried To Teach Our Goats To Pee In One Certain Spot By Giving Them Treats When They’d Pee In That Spot Except That They Think That Now Whenever They Pee They Get A Treat So
Nooby-Banana: Stop-Hammerkind: Homosexual-Leafblower: Mugglescanttameme: Magentamayhem: You Guys Are Fools You Have To Decorate Them After You Cook Them And They’ve Cooled Thank You Holy Shit How The Hell Do You Fuck Up Dipping Strawberries
Weird &Amp; Pissed Off
Swingsetindecember: Door: Truths Hard Truths
I-Wanna-Be-A-Klaine-Ship-Ranger: Prufrocking: Thegestianpoet: And Let’s Take A Moment To Appreciate The Fact That Michaelangelo Had Probably Never Seen A Girl Naked And When He Want To Sculpt Or Paint Them His Mentality Seems To Be “Wow, Everyone
Taddle: Kvothe-Kingkiller: Deankeptthetrenchcoatintheimpala: Allonsy-Sherlock: Popetwitter: Kaalashnikov: Squeakykins: Yzma: Putting Milk In The Bowl First Is Divorce Worthy #Or Wetting Your Toothbrush Before Putting Tooth Paste On Wow Excuse
Professionalcinnabon: Professionalcinnabon: Woke Up To A Blood Stain On My Bedsheets Wtf