Proto Porn

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money for Yahoo

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money for Yahoo

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Tumblr belongs to Verizon now and will exploit Black Lives Matter to make more money

Nightkunoichi: Rapid-Artwork: Fedoraspooky: Sir-P-Audax: Bogleech: Did-You-Kno: Giant Tarantulas Keep Tiny Frogs As Pets. Insects Will Eat The Burrowing Tarantulas’ Eggs - So The Spiders Protect The Frogs From Predators, And In Return The Frogs

Nightkunoichi: Rapid-Artwork:  Fedoraspooky:  Sir-P-Audax:  Bogleech:  Did-You-Kno:

Micdotcom: Watch Elizabeth Warren School Lawmakers On What Planned Parenthood Actually Does The Senate Finally Unveiled The Latest Iteration Of The Gop’s Proposed Health Care Plan On Thursday Morning. Among The Many Proposed Changes, Including Massive

Micdotcom:  Watch Elizabeth Warren School Lawmakers On What Planned Parenthood Actually

Manfredvonfuckyourself: Bill-11B: Prettylittlegirlygirl: Dirtyrotteninfidel: Arizonagunguy: Srsfunny: Perfect Combo Wat Must Be A Southern Repair Shop #Truth @Riccan

Manfredvonfuckyourself: Bill-11B:  Prettylittlegirlygirl:  Dirtyrotteninfidel:  Arizonagunguy:

Qjusttheletter: Thediscourseblogs: #Adaptandresist Describe Posts About Disability News Ffs, When’re Y’all Gonna Fucking Learn  [Id: A Series Of Screenshots Of Tweets From Various Users  1) S.e. Smith (@Realsesmith) “Disabled People Have

Qjusttheletter:  Thediscourseblogs:   #Adaptandresist   Describe Posts About Disability

Words N Quotes

Words N Quotes

Gay-Pastel-Dragon: Scatterdarknessscattersilence: Do-I-Smell-A-Fandom: Source (Https:// Update: They’re Denying Her Services Because Of Her Posting About Her Mistreatment. If You Have Money To Spare

Gay-Pastel-Dragon: Scatterdarknessscattersilence:   Do-I-Smell-A-Fandom:  Source

Malfxoys: Malfxoys: So Today A Public Health Official Guy Came Into My Class To Give A Lecture On Disaster Awareness And He Was Talking About House Fires And Mentioned That The Reason People Most Likely Die During A House Fire Is Because They Refuse

Malfxoys:  Malfxoys:  So Today A Public Health Official Guy Came Into My Class To

Lethal-Cuddles: Askshadetrixieandfamily: Halduron-Brightwang: Immortalismortem: Liquidglue: B Just Wear The Seatbelt Mmmmmmm I Gotta Naysay Here. Seatbelts Do A Lot Of Harm. Not Everyone Can Wear One  And Not Everyone Wants To Risk It. Just Among

Lethal-Cuddles: Askshadetrixieandfamily:  Halduron-Brightwang:  Immortalismortem:

Broadsword Of Enlightment

Broadsword Of Enlightment

Thesleepybabesclub: Oswinstark: Goblinparty: This Is The Most 2017 Thing Ive Ever Seen [The Raw Story Headline: “A New Website Will Ship Your Ashes To The Gop Rep. Of Your Choice Is Trumpcare Kills You”] This Reminds Me Of That Picture I Saw Of

Thesleepybabesclub: Oswinstark:  Goblinparty: This Is The Most 2017 Thing Ive Ever

Robinwright: You Fell Victim To One Of The Classic Blunders - The Most Famous Of Which Is “Never Get Involved In A Land War In Asia” - But Only Slightly Less Well-Known Is This: “Never Go In Against A Sicilian When Death Is On The Line”!

Robinwright:    You Fell Victim To One Of The Classic Blunders - The Most Famous

Fuckonthis: This Is So Important. You Fucking Asshole.

Fuckonthis:  This Is So Important. You Fucking Asshole.

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