Proto Porn
fyjulianedelman: *jaw drops*J U L I A N E D E L M A N.W H A T A H U N K.
fyjulianedelman: *jaw drops*J U L I A N E D E L M A N.W H A T A H U N K.
Tami-Taylors-Hair: Nuclearsweetheart: Emeline-Savage: Thomas-Is-So-Vine-And-Kind: *Makes A Phone Call* *Walks Around In Circles* Fun Fact: Your Brain Is Trying To Find The Person You’re Talking To Because It Hears Them But Can’t See Them.
Thesassycat: You Can Only Reblog This Today.
Whatsagarb: Ruinedchildhood: Court Dismissed, Bring In The Dancing Lobsters. When I Was Little I Thought They Actually Did This In Court
Totinos Pizzas Boy
Bigsphinxofquartz: (Source)
Setharooni: Dog: Barkicelandic Dog: Björk
Zachsgay: Blu-Iv: Badsandy: Whybray: Error Would Love If Someone Could Explain What’s Going On Probably A Place Where They Dump Trash Where They Are Flying Over Video Is Recorded In Slow Motion In A High Speed Train
Tj-593: He Is Relationship Oriented And It’s Going So Well.
Hlvans: This Vine Is The Only Reason Why I’m Still Alive
Theshitneyspears: Them: If You Press This Button You’ll Get Fifty Thousand Dollars! But…You Need To Jerk Off A Guy…Me:
Onyourleftbooob: Spotting A Straight Writer 101