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Wheres That Baklava
Pardonmewhileipanic: Toastdurr: Fairyspork: Floptart: Ass2007: Im So Glad My Boyfriends Penis Is 2 Bread Lengths Long (: Who The Fuck Measures Dick Size In Bread *Deletes Blog*
Why Don't We Check Across The Street
Rock And Roll Jesus With A Cowboy Mouth
Kristoffbjorgman: &Amp;Ldquo;Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It.&Amp;Rdquo; - George Glass
Beesmygod: Pssst If Youre On Foodstamps You Can Use Them On Papa Murphys Pizza + Cold Starbucks Drinks At Safeway Starbucks Kiosks
Spicy-Vagina-Tacos: Maplehoofs: Why This Is Why God Doesnt Talk To Us Anymore
Rock And Roll Jesus With A Cowboy Mouth
Sasscameron: Gokusswag: Morgiecorgi: Cops Don’t Give A Shit Anymore
Americanhighwayflower: 420Dongsquad: 314Eater: Whats Cooler Than Being Cool? Financial Stability Alright Alright Alright Alright
Rock And Roll Jesus With A Cowboy Mouth
Water-Writer: Dont Give Children’s Coloring Books To College Students