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Kanrose: Iammakingperfectsense: Insidemymmind: Okay, So In Science Class Yesterday We Were Talking About Sleep Cycles And Melatonin And My Science Teacher Said, “If You’re Trying To Sleep, Avoid One Colour. Blue. Your Melatonin Levels Decrease
The-Hogwarts-Ultimatum: Shinjutori: Donthatethegeek: What To Do With Your Old Cds. Diamond Dragon Oh My God This Is Awesome!
Hi Guys Xx
Take It Easy Lovelies
Weloveshortvideos: Sleepy
Steviepsyclone: Vinebox: The Accuracy Who Knew 2 Seconds Could Be So Relatable
Clashbandicoot: Yachiii:fuckere:who Was I Before Animea Respected Member Of Society
Coasttocoastlikebutteredtoast: The-Heavy-Metal-Viking: Angel Driggs Secret Life Of A Soccer Mom Pt. 2: Mommy’s Special Alone Time Oh My God She Did Another One This Is Amazing.
Leaguecraft: League Of Legends X The Avengers Age Of Ultron -Braum As Captain America-Xerath As Ironman -Jayce As Thor-Varus As Hawkeye-Miss Fortune As Blackwidow-Dr. Mundo As Hulk-Morgana As Scarlet Witch-Hecarim As Quicksilver-Malzahar As Vision-Azir
Deehenn: Blissthisbish: Niggas Are On Some Revolutionary Shit! Bang