Proto Porn
rapewhistled: *16 year old girl voice* um shut the fuck up thanks
rapewhistled: *16 year old girl voice* um shut the fuck up thanks
Lagerthalothbrokes: Sometimes People Have A Hard Time Understanding What A Happy Relationship Between Two People Who Obvs Think The Other Is Awesome Looks Like. We Think This Is One Great (And Holy Bananas, So Freaking Hilarious) Example. #My Face
Vintagegal: Pride Day Parade In New York City, 1974
To Infinity
I Want To Be In A Relationship But Then Again I Dont.
Nothing-Rhymes-With-Ianto: Romulanwhore: Best Reaction To Noticing A Typo Ever.
Riceslut: I Googled Egg Phobia And
Alexketchum: W/O Dust And Scratches /W Dust And Scratches
Mindfulness Is Key
What If I Went Back To Blonde/Orange..
Fuck Yo Shit 凸(-_-)凸