Proto Porn
monobear-despair: Spirit Albarn aka the best anime father
monobear-despair: Spirit Albarn aka the best anime father
Frickboys: *Likes Ur Selfie So U Know Im In Love With U*
Skills I Have Mastered Not Texting Back Procrastinating Eating Copious Amounts Of Food In One Setting Painting My Nails Like A Blind Pre-Schooler Sleeping A Lot Being Single
Couragekay: Faithtrustandpixiedusttfios: Mymindpalaceisatardis: Ohheysophiaa: Child Hood Memories You Have To Reblog If When You Saw This You Heard The Man Say It In Your Head *Cries* It’s Etched In There…
Suzzannnn: Liking Someone You Have No Chance With
Sheep In The Wolves
Reblog If You Don't Care If Someone Is Transgender, Straight, Gay, Lesbian Or Bisexual.
Namu Dragon, The Tree Dragon
Starkexpos: Vanessasketch: Nerdartist: Drunkdarthplagueis: Goudztv: Nick Fury’s Flashback Thank God Someone Made This! I Cant Breathe *Clap Clap* *Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap*
Thejimmychamberlincomplex-Deact: “So Many People Treat You Like You’re A Kid So You Might As Well Act Like One And Throw Your Television Out Of The Hotel Window.”
Ninjasherlock: Nowthatswhaticallshipping: Pinkisthenewscarlet: I-Spooky-Like-Fedex: Skellagirl: Parallelsea: October October It’s The 8Th Month I Cracked The Code October Is The 10Th Month Though It Was Originally The 8Th Month But Then Julius
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