Proto Porn
bears and my iddy biddy people problems
bears and my iddy biddy people problems
Derrenologist: Theycallmekev: My Spanish Speaking Ass Just Realized This… Holy Shit
Saberspinner: Feminismisahatemovement: His Face Oh My Gosh
Bears And My Iddy Biddy People Problems
Luwonderlands: Phyerfly: When Rape Is The Girls Fault When She Is The Rapist When Rape Is The Guys Fault When He Is The Rapist Always Reblog This
Bears And My Iddy Biddy People Problems
Magentamayhem: I Am Perfectly Fine With Having Other People Sit On My Lap But I Can’t Sit On Other People’s Laps Because I’m Always Paranoid That I’d Crush Them And They’d Die
Wcjobber: Sharkchunks: Metal-Rican: Ghostoflalonde: So Uhh, My Clothing Dye Ate Through My Gloves….. +3 Spellcasting +1 Summoning Eff: 2Xdam Vs Undead The Tattoo Makes It More Demonic Than Undead. So Now You’re A Necromancer: Beginner’s Guide.
Reblog If It's Okay To Start Talking To You.
Winneganfake: Darkchocolateandtea: Thedashinghoodlum: This Was My Favorite Commercial As A Kid Me As A Parent That Last Comment? Totally Accurate.
Shoutout To Those Three Followers Who Like And Reblog Literally Everything You Post
Walkingfoxiest: A Post Where I Explain With Images How Foxes Are The Best Thing Ever, And How If You Disagree You Are Obviously Wrong
Lildrunk: I Need Kisses And Attention And Alcohol