Proto Porn
Phantomdoodler: Twosamples Replied To Your Link “I Present To You My New Sideblog” Its Not Gay If You Call Him Partner…
Porygons: I Could Never Hold A Job Position Where I Had To Fire People. I Just Had To Ban Someone From A Facebook Group I Am The Admin Of And I Feel So Freaking Dirty. I Even Agree He Should Have Been Kicked Out, I Just Didn’t Wanna Do It Ahahahaha
Nltm: Nltm: Nltm: I Wonder How Many People Would Watch If I Wiped My Progress In Double Spoiler And Streamed As Many Scenes As I Could. I Could Probably Unlock Hatate In One Go, Maybe. I Wasn’t Kidding. Reblogging Because I’m Actually Proud
Ginnymydear: Laryndawn: Senashenta: Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons.
Awkwardzerophotos: Boatsalad: Uh Oh Zero Mom Found Out You’re Being A Lying Sack Of Shit Looks Like You’re Grounded Now Whoops That Sucks Uhhhh….I Was, Uhhhh, Talking About…..Uhhh….Copy X, Yeah! Ehehehe
Nurutsi: ねりちちきもこ
Wantfastcars: Mio Brando
Shinoboobs: My Stand Would Just Be A Glass Of Milk That Can’t Do Anything Except Fall Over And Spill Itself
Kentasticthoughts: The Hanazawa Figures.
Rrevolutionaries: [Puts Head In Hands] Oh God She’s So Attractive