Proto Porn
super-wolves: OH MY GOD
super-wolves: OH MY GOD
Megagliscor: Salmonpynk: This Is My Favorite Meme Tbh
Coeuraubonheur:local Cryptid Bffs, As Seen On Twitter
Welcome To Thunderdome
Y'ever Just Sit In Your Truck
Ageofsadz: Here It Is, My Greatest Creation.
Bigbosscangotohell:what About You Luigi? Whats It Gonna Be? Loyalty To Your Mushroom Kingdom Or Loyalty To Me? Your Kingdom, Or Your Old Princess? The Grand Star, Or Your Beliefs? Your Duty To Princess Peach Or Your Personal Feelings? You Dont Know The
The John Su
Galadrielkenobi: When You Ship Both Mchanzo And Mcmercy And There Is Hate In Both Ships For Each Other
Teloc Vovim
Y'ever Just Sit In Your Truck
Akiracore: Hhhh Goodnight!!
Kelvin-Zero: Please Listen To Zapdos Cry In The English Dub.