Proto Porn
Daddy's desperate little whore
Daddy's desperate little whore
Dysconsolate:neck Kissing Is Honestly The Hottest, Most Seductive Thing Anybody Could Ever Do To Me. If You Kiss My Neck, If You Playfully Bite My Neck, If Your Tongue Touches My Neck I Will Melt In Your Fingertips.
Iaintnopunkassbitch: Cutieringtail: Falmyrion: Queerpong: “Your Gay” They Shouted. “Dude Your Gay!!!” I Ignored Them. It Wasnt Until I Got Home That I Realized My Gay Had Escaped. They Tried To Tell Me. You’re*
Capturingherthoughts: I Try To Tell Em!
Thetrevorproject: Today, We Say Farewell To The Original ‘Dear Abby’ Advice Columnist, Pauline Phillips, Who Passed Away At The Age Of 94. Dear Abby Responded To Many Letters From Lgbt Youth Over The Years, Often Referring Them To The Trevor Lifeline.
Fuckyeahveganlife: Jason Wrobel. Vegan.
Atavus: Duane Michals - Madame Schrödinger’s Cat, 1998 See More.
Letsmakememoriesbri: Osiris-Can2: Bahahahahahahahahahaha. I Died At This Part Xd Hahaha! Omg Than Is Too Much!
Even Silence Speaks
I Wanna Fuck Some Girl While Listening To Jessie Ware.
Does Anyone Love The National As Much As I Do?
Justhewayimfeeling: Aberglasney Yew Tunnel By Kev Bailey On Flickr.