Proto Porn
I feel the same way about movies/shows as I do about some women
I feel the same way about movies/shows as I do about some women
My Soul Brings Tears To Angelic Eyes
Thesoftghetto: Bookishboi: Floricanto-Desnuda: Fuckyeahmarxismleninism: Surprise! Alabama Town Accidentally Invites Black Drag Queens To Perform In Christmas Parade Semmes, Alabama Is A Town Of Some 3,000 Mostly White And Conservative People Located
Nothing Says Home Like My Parents Fierce Hate For One Another
Filthy-Hippie-Vibes: Handsome King
Yet Another Christmas Where My Mother Tries To Shove Dairy Down My Throat. Ew
Thesoftghetto: Needstobespanked: Jollyberrycereal: Callmedeuce: 90Sdefect: If I Was Dude, I Was Bussing On Demand And Wouldn’t Have Given A Single Fuck. #Classic They Need To Do A “Where Are They Now??” Segment On This Dude Goddamn Janet
Strangevegan360: This Cartoon Is A National Treasure
Life-Of-Beyonce: The Mrs Carter Show World Tour 2013 Moments.
Wakeupblackpower: Blackaudacity: Theonemrfoster: Substancesauce: Hellophilly: Cartoonpolitics: The Prison-Industrial Complex Needs You .. Sad But True This Is What Taking Place In Philadelphia And Other Cities I’m The Us Right Now.philadelphia
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Can I Explain Something Real Quick?
Vegan-Yums: Avocado Toast / Recipe